Thursday, January 15, 2009

What an AMAZING day!

I'm officially 32 today! WOO HOO!

I can honestly say I don't think I've ever felt more love on a birthday in my entire life. I mean of course my family always shows me love on my special day, but I just mean from people outside my family - I felt loved. I'm so grateful for my friends and how many people went out of their way to acknowledge my birthday. Very nice.

Then on my birthday day (today!) My friend Kari at work made me the most delicious fruit salad I've ever had! That meant a lot to me as well!

All in all - possibly the best birthday ever! Thanks to all who made it special. I'm lucky!


kristi lee said...

Ohhhh, Happy LATE b-day! I'm the lame friend who can never remember anyone's b-day. So glad you had a wonderful day....where are the pictures?

Unknown said...

yay, glad you had a good one!