Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A tap-tap-tappy!

I haven't blogged in a VERY long while! I've just been so busy!

My dad is turning 60 on the 7th of March, so we're all going to Portland to celebrate. I (the person in the family with the least spare time) took the project on to create a book for my dad for his birthday gift. I'm playing the martyr a little bit because it was actually my idea - and let's face it - wouldn't have turned out at all if one of the boys took it on, or would've been ULTRA cheesy if my mom did. Gotta love being middle-ground. It arrived at Matt's house today and he thinks it looks awesome! I'm excited to see it in real life - because it certainly sucked a lot of time.

Samantha and I went snowboarding (well she went skiing) on Sunday at the Canyons in Park City. It was like the BEST day for outdoor recreation EVER! I'm only slightly sore, and only fell 5 times - which since I haven't gone for maybe 2+ seasons...isn't all that bad. The first fall was a doosey where I actually made the *insert getting punched in the gut sound here* "Oooooph" sound as I went down! Haha...I laughed forever about that one the rest of the way down. I forget, until I'm up there, how much I really do love snowboarding. I also realize how old I'm getting when I was considering taking my medical/insurance cards in my pocket. Funnier that when I was going 3 times a week in college, I didn't even HAVE insurance! Some did get life-flighted off while we were there.

And lastly - Tap Dancing Class! That's right - my latest class is tap dance! OMG it's soooo much fun. If you think I don't wear hot blue leg warmers to class everyweek...you'd be WRONG! Here is video I took of the teacher doing the routine that we're learning - up to what we've learned...not much..(the point was so I could practice...but that really hasn't happened yet). I'll video me doing it when I can get past getting SO excited I can do the turn, I forget to do the rest! haha. Our teacher is completely adorable - I have no idea what her name is - and LOVE that she's a total cheeseball in this video. I even love to hate the kiss ass in our class who practices hours a day at home each week, and made a CD of music for our teacher (GAG!). I mean it's tap dance class! Get over yourself!

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