Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Mid-December Madness

Where has December gone to! I seriously laughed at this woman the other day at work that said "December is nearly over!" (it was the 7th of the month). Haha...I don't know why that made me laugh SOOO hard. But now that it's the 15th I'm on the same page. Apparently 8 more days was all I needed to be a believer. I've been working a ton lately, nothing new. Lots of hours and lots of weird shifts. Most of the time - I don't even know what day of the week it is.

This weekend, my friend from Seattle Will and I are going to Leavenworth, WA and I'm so excited! It's this German town that gets all crazed out for Christmas! Seriously just what I needed. Mostly I'm excited to relax and not do a whole lot around this small village but drink hot chocolate and walk around. 3 days off in a row will be heaven. Will and I have never traveled together - so fingers crossed he's also a laid back traveler. I'll take lots of pictures.

Then I come back and work for 8 days in a row (BLEH) and then get 6 days off! No vacation days required...just how my schedule worked out! I'm going to California from Dec 30-Jan 4 and I can't wait! I need some sunshine! Although really the weather here has not been too bad (except for that pesky tornado the other day - I don't mom told me about it. haha). And some face time with my pals Josie and Thor who just moved to San Diego. I'm hoping we can hang out at least one day while I'm there.

I can already feel that 2011 is going to be amazing! This is like the warm-up to it.


Unknown said...

the other day chris said something about it being december and i was like..."it's not december! it's still november!". it was december 12.

Unknown said...

rereading that it does not sound like a clever anecdote. but it happened. 3 days ago. ;)