Tuesday, September 6, 2011

House - take 2

The family room, where the refrigerator will go in the kitchen, the hallway from the front door, the back door out to the little yard, master bath, the outside of the place, this cute built in thing at the bottom of the stairs, the stairs, the kitchen, the laundry area, the master walk in closet, the tiny bathroom downstairs, and the banister to the stairs.

In typical Jamie fashion - I have finally decided on a house. After 3-possibly 4 months of looking I ended up with (wait for it...) the first house I looked at. Of course I did! Seriously why do I have to make things so much harder than they need to be?!?!?!

Anyway - it's a townhouse (yay for no yard to maintain). 3 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms. 1350 sq ft. It's perfect for my first place. So now I will be figuring out where to put furniture, what colours to paint and what I want to put on the walls! HIP HIP HOORAY! The offer still stands - visitors welcome.

I removed my offer on the other house due to some complications with the inspection and a shady lot next door that they were probably going to build a house right on top of mine (no gracias) so I backed out. I think this new one is PERFECT!!!

1 comment:

Jan said...

Yay!! So happy for you - fun times for you as you get things the way you want them. Love it!