Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I'm in the library at school

Studying (perhaps more people than the class final which is in 2 hours and counting). Here are my observations:

1. Hopefully not offending anyone, but I find it odd that grown-ups are called Tyson. (the totally hot "kid" working in the library right now). Is that really a grown-up name?
2. The guy that just walked in, clearly starting his new shift as a library worker has the following: Bald head, 2 fairly large hoop earrings. (this is when I wish my GD Blackberry had a camera on it!) This strikes me as odd for 2 reasons...
a. I didn't realize that 2 hoop earrings on boys was still the "rage". I'm out of touch.
b. At what point do you give up the ghost and say - I'm getting older, going bald, time to take out the blasted earrings that just make me look more like a tool anyway?

note: can you tell I'm outlining chapters based upon my last 2 posts? I'm all about lists and clearly defined messages. :)


Lori said...

HA! I totally think the same thing when I meet adults named things like Trevor or Haylee. Weird.

kristi lee said...

This post takes me back about 10 years to college memories. YIKES! 10 years! REALLY?! Did ya get any studying in?

Hayley said...

its funny - how some names just don't seem right on kids or adults. i'm a hayley though, thank you very much & i've never had anyone complain about it before - i guess maybe not to my face is all