Thursday, March 31, 2011


It's official - I've been promoted at work. And under 6 months I might add! Love this. I love that I'm working or a company that acknowledges my abilities and is willing to actually PAY me (in title and in dinero) for those abilities. Go figure right?

The move to Portland has been really great for me! I'm loving the "city" life and walking a bunch of places. I'm way more laid back here - even when I'm driving! - which is just crazy to think about. We've officially had our 5th wettest March on record and honestly I barely even noticed. I'm dying for the weather to get better though so I can start biking to work.

I'm looking for a new place to live right now - although trying to figure out how to stay here as well because my house is okay, would just love cleaner roommates, but it's just so CHEAP and CLOSE to my work. SIGH - what to do...what to do...

Viva Portland!
PS - if you've never heard of the show Portlandia, (seriously what is wrong with you?!) you should at least check out this link to get a feel for the fun times I'm living in. I know they're trying to be funny/mocking Portland - but it's actually REALLY accurate.


Jori said...

Whoohoo!! Congratulations. So happy you are loving your new job, and city. I would love to live in Oregon, I think it is so pretty!

Jan said...

Yay for you! What i love most is how happy you sound -- makes me smile!