Monday, March 21, 2011


Working for a Catholic hospital, we start each meeting with a "reflection" or a prayer. It's actually really different to pray or talk about God at work. But when you're talking to a nursing supervisor at a hospital called Mary Mother of the Angels (and you have to actually call her Mother) I suppose there's really no getting around it.

Tomorrow for my morning staff meeting, I'm in charge of the reflection. I found this Inspirational Quote/thought which seems a fitting reminder to lead by example. Thought I'd share it with you all as well in case you don't get to have reflections where you work haha.

(as shared by
Your Example
By Catherine Pulsifer (c) 1998

The personal example you set will do more to convince someone than all the eloquent speeches in the world. When you expect others to demonstrate a certain type of behaviour, ask yourself if your behaviour exemplifies what you expect of others.

As Oliver Goldsmith once said, "You can preach a better sermon with your life than with your lips."

If you take a piece of string and push it, it will not go in the direction you want. But if you take that same piece of string and pull it along, the string will move in the same direction. That principle applies to people. Don't push them along; pull them along by your own actions, your behaviour, your enthusiasm, and your determination. Reflect on the words of Albert Schweitzer, "Example is not the main thing in influencing others. It is the only thing."

What you do, and how you act,
has more influence on people than what you say!



kristi lee said...

"deep thoughts" by jamie! thanks for the reminder...i needed it today.

Unknown said...

love it, james!