Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Liquid Sunshine...what a crock!

I'm TOTALLY a gloomy gus from the weather here right now. It's June 1st and today was COLD and rainy and grey. I've officially reached translucent status on the skin tone I'm so pale. My legs might actually glow in the dark. I'm trying to get out of my funk, but I think only a trip to Fiji will do at this point. HA HA. Here in Oregon, they call the rain "liquid sunshine". I've never wanted to drop-kick the inventor of a phrase so much in my life. Honestly this never-ending winter has everyone a bit BLAH. Which makes me feel better because 1) Misery loves company and 2) even long-time locals are feeling the weather. I don't feel like such a rookie getting re-adjusted to Portland winters.

On the home front, I have appointment number 2 with my new realtor who I really like and she seems hell-bent on finding me a great place to live. God Bless America! I'll keep you posted on how that goes.

Side bar: I'm currently totally addicted to turkey sandwiches with cucumbers right now. Reminds me of Freshman year in college where I pretty much lived on those things! YUM! Now if only I had some cantaloupe I would be transported back to 1995 Cannon Center.

1 comment:

Jan said...

Turkey with cucumber - -I need to try that!! I LOVE me a good turkey sandwich. And the Cannon center reference made me smile -- blast from the past for sure.

I'm with you on the rain -- I think it would be hard for me to adjust. Hang in there!!!