Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Some assistance required

Okay remember when you were little and you wanted to do something and your excuse was "well (insert friends name here) is doing it?"

Chery Harker (my mama for those of you that don't know I call my mom Cheryl a lot) would aptly reply "If your friends jumped off the roof/bridge (she liked to mix it up) would you do it too?"

Smarty pants Jamie reply, "DUH!" This Californians way of saying TOTALLY LADY!

Here's where I need your help...when it came to fighting off peer pressure, or your mom/dad wanting you to be unique in the crowd - what were some sayings that you heard in your day? I'm working on a project and this is a must have.



Jan said...

For me it was a jump off a cliff or into a lake. My dad was a bit more creative and he would reference lemmings -- oh, a trip down memory lane!

kristi lee said...

"Remember who you are" is always a classic!