Thursday, May 15, 2008

I've been laughing all morning

I probably will be late to work because I JUST HAD TO BLOG this!

Let it be known to the world that some days - I really don't want to match. I've always been this way. Usually I'm quite conscious over what I wear and that it goes exactly together. But some days - I literally wake up with the notion to not match. Or wear something that really SHOULDN'T go together. Today was one of those days. Yya that's right....that's a black strapless dress with an argyle shirt/sweater UNDER it. haha. This should get reactions from some of the "50+" ladies I work with. I love the comments "those are interesting shoes" or "Hmmm, I don't know where you find your outfits". HAHA! It means I've succeeded in throwing a good little wrench in their day. I've got our credit department snowed. They think I'm some sort of FASHIONISTA! I could wear a turban to work and they'd think I was SOOO "with it". Love those girls! Okay off to put some makeup on. I can't go in TOTALLY ugly. Although I am looking forward to the constant questions "is that one piece or 2?" and my all time favourite "how do you get that to stay up?" (A: They're called boobs!) Happy Random Thursday!


Hannah said...

I love it!! Let us know if you get any good reactions. I have a friend like you who wears the most interesting outfits...I wish I could figure out how to do it and still look good!

Jan said...

You're awesome Jamie. You really are. Love it!

Holly O. said...

You are a fashionista!!!

Jori said...

I can't wait to hang out Jamie! You crack me up!

Melis said...

I'd like to say that my non-matching is all part of some intentional inside joke, but it's usually unintentional. But seriously- what else would you wear under the strapless dress to work?

Justin Quinn said...

Lovin the outft, so funny!!!


emily anderson said...

this is funny. loved your mexican men stories too.
anyways, i'm emily, and i'm excited to get to know you better through prism!!
have a sa-weet day. :)