After 5.5 years at the same company - it's kind of weird to be a new employee somewhere. However, at age 33 I've found out that I'm just there to do a job. Seriously people will either like me or hate me - but I'm just going to be me. So far....THEY LOVE ME! haha.
The last 1.5 days I was in Employee Orientation. Go figure right? It was really fun. They showed us videos and we talked about Diversity (I literally wanted Michael Scott from the Office to present - but no dice). Our guy was good too though. They brought in a Music Thanotologist to play the harp. Seriously amazing talent. And then with 1.5 hours left of the 1.5 days we'd just sat through, we started talking about benefits. So weird. But certainly a great way to be introduced to the company.
Free medical and dental insurance is the main reason I love the new company. Seriously 100% free. I mean I'll have a deductible and a co-pay for any visit...but seriously...FINE! Plus if I get my prescriptions filled at one of the hospital pharmacies...SUPER CHEAP! Win Win!
Then I went to my office and met some of the people I'll be working with. We're having an Earthquake Drill/Fire Drill tomorrow for my first full day of work. I wish I could say it was in honor of me...but alas - they'd had it planned for a bit. The lady in charge of the drill for our department is in LOVE with me because I suggested that she be-dazzle her bright yellow safety vest. She thinks I'm funny! The other lady I trained with thought I was great too! Man - Love that.
So my first full day is tomorrow. Should be fun!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
I'm a new Employee!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Well I'm all moved in! I'm currently pilfering my internet service on an unsecure network called "Kitty Korner" - Gotta Love it! I have internet being set up, but apparently our house doesn't have a single phone jack that is actually connected to anything. Handy.
So on my drive here I had a long time to THINK. These were some of the random thoughts going through my head. Some have pictures to back this up.
1. You know how cops and bus drivers all give each other the nod or the semi hand wave? So my thought as I watched my dad driving my budget truck and passing another Budget truck....should he have done the "nod"?
2. I'm ready to submit a patent for the following information. Car-makers of the world...listen up. You should be able to control the temperature of the cabin AND SEPERATELY control the temperature on your feet.
3. I'm seriously a city girl. As I was driving down the freeway through Idaho I saw this farm and thought to myself, "that is awesome! Someone invented Black and White polka-dotted tarps to fancy farms up!" Then I drove closer and realized that it was just a white tarp with tires laid on it to keep it down. So close.
4. During the trip through Jasper, ID we passed 6 windmill blades being transported by truck. I do love the irony behind the transportation of an alternative energy solution by trucks powered by said negative energy solution (aka fuel)...but seriously these things were GIGANTIC! Enclosed is the best picture I could get while attempting to drive. This this was massive! (and yes that is my truck, being driven by my dad in the picture as well!)
5. Last but certainly not least...the ever glorious 45th parallel that you get to pass while driving through Oregon. It's the exact 1/2 way point from the equator to the North pole. Cool eh?
Wednesday, September 22, 2010 now it was goodbye
(the more I look at this picture, the more I realize we really don't look anything alike. Funny that EVERYWHERE we go together people ask us if we're sisters. Plus - was I always this much shorter than you Melis?)
Tonight I went to dinner at Melissa & Kurtis' house. Kurtis made a delicious dinner. Chicken brats and this yummy corn, avocado, parsley, tomato mix and sweet potato fries. Seriously Delsh! We talked and laughed and mostly cooed over this beautiful girl. Miss Paige is so friendly! I absolutely love her. I mostly love watching my friend since age 15 being a mom of her. She's seriously so great at it.Then she went to sleep and we watched Robin Hood - which Kurtis is probably wondering why we started watching a movie because I asked questions - or talked through the whole thing anyway. haha. Since my parents had driven in from California and I just left a key for them under the mat so I could go hang out with my friends - I was feeling a little bit guilty. And that's when the tears started. Seriously going to miss my best friend. But, like before when we've been in different places - we'll always be close. One of my favourite things about her really. No matter what, or where it's always a good feeling to know somewhere in the world is a girl who REALLY knows me, and gets me and still loves me. (and back at ya lady!)
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Ritual de la habitual
Today was my big HURRAH with Melissa.
Ever since college - she has been our ritualistic friend. She finds meaning in everything and it's so fun to watch her put effort into traditions. Partly it probably started as just another excuse to never study (her GPA that first semester wasn't too much better than mine), but they've become something to mark key events in life over the years. Today was no different.
Out of the magic bag came the following:
First we had to take the drink - and while making a wish, pour a little pixie stick in it. (Back in the day it was Diet Coke in giant mugs we had to walk off campus to get the caffeinated stuff). She poured hers in first. Then I poured mine in while wishing *i can't tell you what i wished for - it'll ruin the magic* I know you had to be there for the following, but my drink started fizzing over with the addition of the pixie stick. I was like - what the...WOAH! And Melissa gets this look on her face and is like "THAT MEANS IT'S GOING TO COME TRUE!" haha. We laughed forever until we cried. Seriously I'm crying right now as I write this it was so funny. I love that girl! We can just get together and be so silly. Then we asked the magic 8-ball questions.
Q1: Will Jamie get promoted in a year? - A: It is decidedly so
Q2: Will Jamie fall in love with a gorgeous man in Portland A: YES
Q3: Will Jamie love her new home? A: Reply hazy, ask later. Followed by a No. haha.
There were more but those were the highlights.
Then we put on our fake tattoos - something we've always shared. We upgraded this time to the cute girly ones, as opposed to the usual 25 cent ghetto ones with giant snakes wrapped around hearts, etc.Then we went to Thai food - that is literally 3 seconds from my house that I never knew about. Delicious! and then went to see the movie The Switch. (loved it!)
We're planning to get together one last time because we weren't ready to be TOTALLY goodbye behaviour.
Thanks for the fun day girl! Since we get asked all the time if we're sisters - I'm officially adopting you as the sister I never had. Love you!
Friday, September 17, 2010
The last day!
Today was my last day of work before I move. It's so weird to think that I've been back in Utah nearly 6 years....and working at the same place. I must be growing up or something (probably or something).
It was inventory today - so luckily all the attention wasn't on it being my last day. Although the lovely ladies in my department made me treats to die for..and got me this totally lovely bracelet. So nice! I did quite (no tears) until I had to go turn some stuff into the credit manager (Debra) who I LOVE! Then I got a little teary. Then had to hug people and got a little more teary. It's weird to be excited to leave, but these people have been in my world for the past 5.5 years. Just seems odd to walk away.
So now I have some serious packing to do until Wednesday night when my parents arrive. Then Thursday is all about loading up the truck and then taking off Thursday night to Ogden to stay overnight at my Uncle Tom's (cabin). J/K it's a house, but gotta use that whenever I can. Then heading to Oregon Friday! Can't wait! I start my new job that Monday so I'm really excited to get settled into my new place.
Am hanging out with Melissa tomorrow for our final Hurrah! Of course she has something amazing (read: Ritual) planned. I'm going to miss that girl for sure! Now off to get some packing done so I can play all day!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
I'm trashy
Today was my very first Garage Sale! I wasn't as successful as others - because I think my items weren't "white trash" enough for this neighborhood - but I still made $175.00 on stuff I was just going to give to not too shabby. Lots of great people watching and pretending to be interested in what people were saying just to make a sale. It really doesn't take much to entertain me!
Friday, September 10, 2010
The Big 1st Day!
Today was Trent's official first day of Kindergarten!
Jake said he did really great. I haven't yet spoken to him to get some feedback, but seriously would go back to school if these were my only 5 rules I had to live by too!
Great coloring...and writing his own name. Seriously pass this kid onto the 3rd grade. He can handle it.
I asked Jake how he did when they left - he said "totally ignored us. Head down like the world depended on his frog being drawn". That's my guy!
Congratulations Trent! I love you a million billion!
Today is your day.
You're off to Great Places!
You're off and away!
You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself
any direction you choose.
You're on your own. And you know what you know.
And YOU are the guy who'll decide where to go."
-Oh the Places You'll Go by Dr Seuss.
Monday, September 6, 2010
My visit from Sarah
My friend Sarah came to visit this weekend from Houston, TX. We had so much fun laughing and playing and shopping and eating. Carson, her son - sent her with the sweetest Statue of Liberty Hat he made in school that day. I feel pretty honored that he would want to give away such a magnificent piece of art!Seriously if that doesn't melt your heart - you have no feelings.
It was so great to catch up with her. It had been a very long time since the last time I saw her - and then only for a quick day while I was in Houston for work. Thanks for her husband Jason for letting her come visit while he kept the kids busy for those 3 days. The texts from him asking about carpet cleaner and the like, kept up quite amused.