I'm really hoping that this is true and these guys: Are going to be back on the stage soon!
According to People.com: (see website story here)
The website is back up and running preparing to launch big news about a tour! I'm tearing the sleeves off my t-shirts right now!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
This news is "tuff enough"
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Big Boned
But I'm also reading this book:
"Yeah. No way I'm going to keep up with that. But that's okay. I'll just go at my own pace. Nice and easy. Here we go. There, see? I'm doing it. I'm running! Hey, look at me! I'm running! I'm-
Okay, well, that's enough of that. Whew. I mean, a girl could hyperventilate from doing that. And seriously, it's my first day. Don't want to overdo it.
Also, I think I felt something come loose back there. I'm not trying to overreact or anything, but I think it was my uterus. Honest. I think my uterus jiggled free."
Okay, so off I go. Here's to hoping my uterus stays in tact!
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Guitar Hero!
Okay so this post is NOT about that video game, although it's actually QUITE fun! haha. Since my guitar class on Tuesday, I'm obsessed with learning the guitar. So on You-Tube I keep looking up people's videos that show you how to play songs. I stumbled across this guy. Now I can't say I'm a HUGE fan of the song "Hey There Deliliah", nor am I a fan of the Ukulele but for some reason I am in LOVE with this verson. Today I learned the beginning of R.E.M "Everybody Hurts" and Tom Petty's Free Fallin'.
Neither are ready for the big reveal haha.
But for now, here's this guy rockin' a song I don't care for on an instrument I think shouldn't be on mainland. :)
Monday, January 21, 2008
What a difference a week makes
Alright - so today at weigh in...3 lbs. PHEW! I was going to be super mad if I had gained again! haha. 3 lbs I can handle. I'm 0.2 lbs away from 15. I better really step it up this week! Although, instead of going to the gym tonight I went to the grocery store and then watched October Road. Looks like an early morning instead! BLEH!
Tomorrow is my first day of guitar class and I'm VERY excited! Then I'm going out to dinner for a quick chat with a friend. Should be fun.
Anyway, off to sleep so I can wake up early (hopefully not to a foot of snow like this morning) and get my hiney on the elliptical machine.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
So I got this new book at B&N this week. It's called "IF". My friend Samantha has this questions game that we play whenever there is a lull in the conversation. This book seemed like a 2nd best option when not around Samantha. The book is full of questions that start with "IF". I LOVE the "what if" game - so now I'll play with all of you from time to time.
Chosen at random:
"If you could choose the music at your own funeral, what would it be, and who would play it?"
My answer: You Raise Me Up, Josh Groban
So how would you answer?
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Dinner & a movie
Melissa took me to lunch and a movie for my birthday today. We went to see 27 Dresses. I have to admit that my 31st b-day has been hard for me. Not because "I'm getting old". ...seriously I could care less about that. I really thought that this movie was going to depress me even further with the - I'll probably never actually settle down, etc. Thank you all for never making me wear the dresses in your weddings, etc (although at least you ladies have taste) - but this movie was actually quite good. There's a scene where I was literally laughing so hard I thought I would cry. HAHA. It's cute.
Plus she made me the greatest cupcakes (weight watchers approved!) with Cake Batter and a can of Diet Coke. Bake like normal. Icing was Cool Whip. I think they were literally the best cup cakes ever!
Monday, January 14, 2008
Just call me Pissy McGee
Little known fact to the blogging world. On Dec 5th I decided I'd had enough of the fatty, mcfatterson that I was/am and decided to join the WW. I like to call Weight Watchers the WW because it's seriously just like AA. The meetings are very similar (from what I've seen on TV - c'mon...you know I'm not THAT far gone yet) and the teacher might as well be all of our sponsors. It's pretty funny actually. You get gold stars for every 5lbs you lose. WELL...i was heading in the right direction and had lost 13.4 lbs. I figured it was a good start. UNTIL EFFING TONIGHT! I gained 1.6 lbs! I don't even know how that is possible. Granted I totally had to poo before I went, but it wouldn't work it's way out in time (that's an easy 1 lb) and I'm starting my period tomorrow so let's call the 0.6 lbs water weight. BUT STILL! I've not been cheating this week at all - in fact this is the first week I went to the gym! PISSED! Next week I'm going to kick that scales trash!
Anyway, that's about all. I just got back from the gym - had to work out some aggression!
Oh, PS - for funny/ugly Jamie as a little kid pictures go to: Prism Papers Blog. This is my blog I started for work! Ta ta!
Friday, January 11, 2008
Where did this week go?
Seriously I feel like I have not been home all week! (probably because I haven't really). It's been nice to be busy, but at the same time I wonder...if I've only been here to sleep this week - where did the tornado come from the blew through my house!? This is RIDICULOUS! Here's a quick re-cap of the week.
Monday - Long day/night at work, weigh in time, and then to my friend Laurel's for Wii bowling. That's actually REALLY fun! Start: 6:30am | Home: 11:30pm.
Tuesday - Work day. Started in a new dept at my night work so pretty much sat around trying to figure things out. Start: 6:30am | Home: 10:45pm
Wednesday - Work. Then home to figure out what I was going to make for dessert. Melissa & Kurtis' for dinner. Start: 6:30am | Home: 10:30pm
Thursday - Work day/night. Start time: 6:30am | Home: 10:45pm
Friday - Seemed like a really long day because I was in meetings at work from 11pm until 4pm. My first meeting was fun though. Lindsay with Cosmo Cricket came down from Logan to meet with us. He's such a funny guy, and just has a great business mind. It was fun to talk with him and hear his thoughts on some things. Plus, he's hilarious - so the time flew. But meetings can drain you quickly...so I'm just siting around my place tonight trying to learn to play the guitar.
*I got a guitar for Christmas and am very excited for the class I signed up for. It was $35 for 8 weeks of classes through my community center. I'm sure it'll be me and like ten, 8 year olds - but whatever. I'm dying to figure this thing out! I'll keep you posted. Me and the brothers are going to have youtube wars to see who is best. CAN'T WAIT!
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Payback is a bitch!
So officially Matt and I are broken up. Who knows why - or anything...but BOYS! Can't live with 'em and ...Can't live with 'em! This was official on Thursday,
Friday night I had a "date" with my friend John. We went to see Sweeny Todd (GOREY!) but we had fun. Then he tought me how to play craps at his house, which I officially still don't understand, but I won! GO FIGURE!
Saturday afternoon an "ex" of mine came over because I just needed to make out with someone to rip the bandaid off. haha. It was awkward, but still fun. Even though nothing happened to warrent this - there was something quite theraputic of trimming up the "under carriage" with the razor that Matt left at my house. Cleaning my toilet with his toothbrush...also great! TEE HEE!
Hopefully I'll be better at blogging now-days!