Wednesday, January 30, 2008

This news is "tuff enough"

I'm really hoping that this is true and these guys:

Are going to be back on the stage soon!

According to (see website story here)

The website is back up and running preparing to launch big news about a tour! I'm tearing the sleeves off my t-shirts right now!


Unknown said...

i heard about this. i'm so there. with my ginormous i heart joey pin on my jean jacket, don't ya know.

Hayley said...

oh oh oh. dear. if you go to this concert, we're breaking up :)

Jan said...

I knew Natalie would be first on the list to post about this -- I told her yesterday about the possibility and she WILL GO, I promise you.

Jori said...

How have we survived this long without them????

Kristi said...

hee!! Jamie, you are hilarious. I'll whip out my NKOTB bedspread asap! :)

kristi lee said...

HA! NKOTB is the only "real" concert I've ever been to. Sad. . .yes, I know!

jen said...

LOL. i was at a concert of theirs AGES ago. It was right after Donnie fell off a stage or something and was too injured to perform. Man did I feel ripped off, lol. I had to go to the concert, one NKOTB short. Pretty sad that I remember that isn't it?

Tiffany said...

You win my favorite blog name. Hilarious. Fun to meet last night and I look forward to reading more!

Heather said...

Wow, sorry to say I wasn't a huge fan the first go around, but hmmm it is rather interesting. I can't believe how old they are. I can't wait to see the picturs when you and Natalie hit that concert.