Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Brought to you by the letter...

So I woke up this morning with random names that start with K in my head. (Literally, my first thoughts. Weird seeing how Kristi hasn't solicited my help in this recently. *shrug* I haven't been thinking about it either! Weird where dreams come from!).

I figured I would blog about it to give Kristi & Kyle some ideas for the new little snuggler they're expecting. As you know, they have well Kyle, Kristi, Kooper, Karson and now Boy #3. He obviously has to start with a K to finish of the group.

Here are a few I came up with this morning: Please feel free to add your comments/additions
1. Kyler - still one of my favorite names. Possible too close to Kyle in this family, but it could work.
2. Kelly - that one actually is to make Holly laugh.
3. Kole
4. Korbin
5. Kaleb
6. Kingston - shout out to Gwen Stefani
7. Kenton
8. Kurtis

I was stretching on a few of those (obvious). Welcome suggestions!


Unknown said...

yeah, kingston rocks. that's a good one.

Holly O. said...

Kelly did make me chuckle. Oh Harker, you know me so well. I have to say, I think Kingston is pretty darn cute too.

kristi lee said...

Jamie--I love you and the fact that I was the first thing you thought about today. . . so romantic!!!
Hey, I need all the help I can get on this name thing. I've actually been trying to get this blog thing going on my own but it looks retarted so maybe some day I'll actually get things rolling in the blogging world. I spend too much time reading everyone elses to do my own!

Love the ideas though--keep them coming. I thought of Kingston too but Kyle nixed it. He's holding out on Kutter but I'm not convinced. I'm loving Kyler. Kole is cute but remember the last name is Gay--so I've got to try to keep the future teasing to a minimum.

I'll certainly show Kyle the list though. Thanks again, baby!

Holly O. said...

Sell Kyler to Kyle as a spinoff of his own name. See??? You are kind of naming Kyler after Kyle, he might really go for it that way.

Create It Simply said...

Ok, I'm bored and should be asleep so I'll play :P

I thought Kyle and Karson but those are taken. Also thought Kaleb. Kingston is the last name of my best friend so that one is cool. I can't look at your list without backing up and that takes too much effort...Also thought of:

Yeah, I spent way too much time looking for names for my kids ;-)

Ok, so I'm outta to ride some wild rides in the morning!!

Catch ya later!

Jamie Harker said...

I would love it if Kristi had a blonde Karlos! That would be worth it for sure!

ps - wasn't Kolby the human poo guy? *SERIOUSLY DYING LAUGHING RIGHT NOW!*

kristi lee said...

Sure was--might have been with a "C" though but yup. . .he's the poop guy. I couldn't do that to my poor kid. I'd laugh every time I said his name!

Holly O. said...

You guys were sick. That was just plain sick. I am laughing too, don't you worry. I like Keefer!!! Seriously, I do like Keifer. For some reason I prefer the "ei" spelling. If my last name wasn't what it is, that would have been high on my list. Keifer O'Keefe is just pathetic though.

Jamie Harker said...

I love that that was back in the day when Melissa truely believed that rubber gloves were completely non-permeable! Clearly she wins the SICKEST MONKEY award! With me & Kristi not far behind! (tee hee...i said behind)

Disclaimer: some messages in this blog are purely fictional. Any coincidence with actual events is completely accidental.

Create It Simply said...

Ok...fill me in here. I am totally clueless. The only Kolby I can think of was on Survivor...and I thin a few kids that went to school with my little brother...but thaey might have been Kody *shrug*

Jamie Harker said...

Tami, this is a story you REALLY don't want to know. haha.