Where has December gone to! I seriously laughed at this woman the other day at work that said "December is nearly over!" (it was the 7th of the month). Haha...I don't know why that made me laugh SOOO hard. But now that it's the 15th I'm on the same page. Apparently 8 more days was all I needed to be a believer. I've been working a ton lately, nothing new. Lots of hours and lots of weird shifts. Most of the time - I don't even know what day of the week it is.
This weekend, my friend from Seattle Will and I are going to Leavenworth, WA and I'm so excited! It's this German town that gets all crazed out for Christmas! Seriously just what I needed. Mostly I'm excited to relax and not do a whole lot around this small village but drink hot chocolate and walk around. 3 days off in a row will be heaven. Will and I have never traveled together - so fingers crossed he's also a laid back traveler. I'll take lots of pictures.
Then I come back and work for 8 days in a row (BLEH) and then get 6 days off! No vacation days required...just how my schedule worked out! I'm going to California from Dec 30-Jan 4 and I can't wait! I need some sunshine! Although really the weather here has not been too bad (except for that pesky tornado the other day - I don't know..my mom told me about it. haha). And some face time with my pals Josie and Thor who just moved to San Diego. I'm hoping we can hang out at least one day while I'm there.
I can already feel that 2011 is going to be amazing! This is like the warm-up to it.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Mid-December Madness
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
The 16 hour day
Today is my 3rd 16 hour shift day at work since I've started. PHEW! It's brutal.
Although at least this time - I knew about it before hand...so I was mentally prepared.
Work is going well - I think I'm getting the hang of it alright, always a good sign.
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving!!! YAY! Blake and I are headed to Matt's house to have the festivities. I'm making Matt grill out steaks - so that will be tasty. None of us are really all that big of fans of turkey. For nibble food before the feast we'll have crackers and cheese and meat. The boys love their "wheel" which is what they call the meat & cheese tray. Plus this chips and salsa thing that I will make. It's delicious. For actual dinner we'll be having Steak (duh), twice baked potatoes, salad, rolls, and green bean casserole. YUM!
My Gratitude to all the people in my life I love and consider my friends and "family" - even if we're not blood related. And of course those that are. I'm grateful for the freedom in our country. All the best to you and your families on this special day! xoxo
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
A Quoteable Life
There is a TV show on NBC called Brothers and Sisters. It's a great show. The family dynamic is amazing. While yes, it's sometimes a lot over the top, the majority of the time they have issues that normal families might have. I love the chemistry between the actors and I find myself smiling when they have that family banter going on between them. It's just great.
Anyway - a few episodes back there was a scene where Kitty reads a Thoreau quote that her mom had marked for her and it struck a chord that resonated in me. Nora (the mom) had changed all the pronouns to feminine to fit the situation and I like it all the more for it. So to share with you this glorious small verse to celebrate the differences in everyone, here it is. Thank you to Mister Thoreau for always being so insightful.
"If a woman does not keep pace with her companions, perhaps it is because she hears a different drummer. Let her step to the music which she hears, however measured or far away"
Thursday, November 4, 2010
The new bike!
A few years back I bought a mountain bike. I loved it. I love it still, but since now I live in the middle of a city - the mountain bike just seems too beefy for city riding. Tonight I bought a new bike! This bike is SUPER cute. I love the seat. The handlebars are leather and super comfy.
I've been obsessing about bikes lately and was SOOOO excited to actually go get one tonight! Now I can finish up my obsession with a super cute helmet. For now the one I have will have to do. But I will be getting either an Orange or Turquoise one and putting white/off-white decal polka-dots on it. Now I just have to find one that is cute, and actually looks cute on my noggin. So excited to start riding my bike everywhere! SIGH! I already rode my bike down the street to get a new movie at the RedBox near my house. LOVE IT!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Sleepy Time Productivity
Last night I slept FOREVER! Man was I tired. I seriously just woke up (9:47) and I went to bed around midnight. That felt AMAZING! I just worked a 54 hour week this week so really I think I deserve it. Ya?
Typically I never (REPEAT: NEVER!) dream when I sleep. I usually just wake up and it's been a 6-7 hour black void. I usually don't mind either until I hear about other people's amazing dreams and then I do admit I get a little jealous that my mind doesn't work like that while sleeping. There must be a shortage of some kind I'm sure.
Last night I did dream though. For my first dream I was in a dancing competition with this guy that I knew from maybe high school? I seriously have no ideal who it was - but apparently I had a major crush on him but we never were friends or whatever. (typical). Anyway so dancing competition....why? Who knows. I don't remember us really ever practicing the dance, or attending the competition so I can't tell you how that went, but the important aspect of my dream was that we fell in L-O-V-E. The starry-eyed kind of love that makes you silly and act all ga-ga with each other. Funny. Which - you all know I'm total crap at being like.
In my second dream I invented scented matches. You know how people sometimes light matches in the bathroom after going #2? Well what if the matches had a scent to them, so it didn't just smell like sulfur matches, but smelled like Plumeria or something else? I'm seriously thinking of pitching it to Bath & Body Works (haha) - so be on the watch for them at a local retailer soon.
Good Morning! Have a productive All Hallows Eve!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
A Trent-filled Weekend
Last weekend I got to spend TONS of time with my cute nephew. Man there is something about hanging out with that kid that just makes me laugh. I love that he has REAL conversations with me, and will just chat chat chat my ear off if I just sit and listen to him. But if you ask him lots of questions....SHUT DOWN!
Friday I went to babysit him. I told Jake to tell him I was bringing him a surprise. My mom called later to ask him if he got the cookies she sent him - of course he did. Then my mom asked what the surprise was that I was bringing. Jake said he couldn't say because Trent was standing right there. So he spelled M-O-V-I-E (we watched "How to Train Your Dragon" which was really cute actually). When I got to Jake & Denise's house to watch the little monkey I said, "I have a surprise for you". Trent replies very know-it-all-ish "I already know what it is." Said with my best shocked face "How is that possible? What is it then?" Very matter-of-factly...."LETTERS". Because Jake had spelled letters to my mom, clearly that was the surprise. Yup I'm the worst aunt in the world and brought you educational crap. (although he probably would've loved that).
Then Trent and Jake and Denise came over on Sunday for Blake's family dinner extravaganza. I made Chicken Enchiladas, spanish rice and salad at Blake's request. Trent helped me finish the pumpkin carving I had started. Then we turned the pumpkin around and carved one special that Trent designed himself. I think both turned out equally great.
My pumpkin with some design help on the mouth
His pumpkin design. So cute right?
Friday, October 15, 2010
Missing the Mark
I found this picture while researching KISS (the band) album covers this morning. It made me laugh. HARD. And it reminded me how much I hate the dating process. It's just really not as fun as people think it is. Or perhaps people have just forgotten how to do it? There's either the people that wanna jump into bed after saying Hi my name is... (majority these days fall into this category). Or there's the inevitable "girl" of the relationship that wants to analyze things more than I do. Look if I'm the girl - which I am, just to clarify - then I get to be the girl in all aspects. Which means I'll be the one over analyzing everything...thank you very much. So far I'm just loving the people that want to be friends. Nothing more, nothing less. They're just more fun! And seriously just what I need right now. When there's too much drama by way of the male portion of the couple, you just know it's headed for the "danger zone". Seriously. Take a deep breath and step away from the girl called Jamie please. :)
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
The Fuel Crisis
PSYCH! I so wanted the heading of this post to sound like it was going to be about politics and oil in the Mid-East or whatever. Keep the real readers of my blog weeded out (like 100 level classes in College - man how I still hate you Food Science Nutrition, Physical Science, and PE 100. 3rd time wasn't the charm for either of those classes.)
I'm happy to report that I'm still on the same tank of gas since I moved here. Seriously how fabulous is that? It's been nearly 3 weeks! You know how I'm dying to get the full service fill-up too because I love that about Oregon. I just haven't needed to! I'm thrilled!
My current obsession is new bikes and adorable new bike accessories. I think I've looked at bike helmets everyday this week online. SIGH. Right now I'm eyeballing a black and white polka dotted bike helmet that is gorgeous! And will go lovely with my light blue new cruiser I'm also eyeballing. Seriously...I should just go for it! I might opt for a different color helmet though, since my hair is so dark - I want it to contrast against the hair. Do you think all girls spend this much time thinking about riding bikes?
Saturday, October 2, 2010
My First Oregon Date
That's right...You read that correctly...I actually went on my first date yesterday (Friday). Technically started at 5:30pm which was earlier than when me and my truck rolled into Portland. I think it's safe to say under 1 week. haha.
So when I first got here I joined Match.com. I know...I know. Seriously. But how else do people meet anymore? Plus I wasn't in it for the "dating" (read: make-out-ing)...just to MEET people...take it from there. I've actually emailed a bit with a few people that seem really cool. (it should also be mentioned that I have also emailed a bit with a few people that DO NOT seem really cool.)
Friday night I went out with a guy named Michael. He was REALLY nice! We had TONS of fun. Laughed lots. We had no real plans (loved that) and just kinda wandered where we wanted. And our whole night was spent walking around....NO CARS. So great. Except at the end where we went to the river to check out the sights of downtown from across the river. GORGEOUS. I'd forgotten what a beautiful city Portland is.
So here's the weird bit about Mister Michael. He's a high school teacher...AT MY OLD HIGH SCHOOL. HAHA. He wasn't teaching when I went there - but seriously....How random is that? Anyway, we had fun and I love that that's all it had to be!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
I'm a new Employee!
After 5.5 years at the same company - it's kind of weird to be a new employee somewhere. However, at age 33 I've found out that I'm just there to do a job. Seriously people will either like me or hate me - but I'm just going to be me. So far....THEY LOVE ME! haha.
The last 1.5 days I was in Employee Orientation. Go figure right? It was really fun. They showed us videos and we talked about Diversity (I literally wanted Michael Scott from the Office to present - but no dice). Our guy was good too though. They brought in a Music Thanotologist to play the harp. Seriously amazing talent. And then with 1.5 hours left of the 1.5 days we'd just sat through, we started talking about benefits. So weird. But certainly a great way to be introduced to the company.
Free medical and dental insurance is the main reason I love the new company. Seriously 100% free. I mean I'll have a deductible and a co-pay for any visit...but seriously...FINE! Plus if I get my prescriptions filled at one of the hospital pharmacies...SUPER CHEAP! Win Win!
Then I went to my office and met some of the people I'll be working with. We're having an Earthquake Drill/Fire Drill tomorrow for my first full day of work. I wish I could say it was in honor of me...but alas - they'd had it planned for a bit. The lady in charge of the drill for our department is in LOVE with me because I suggested that she be-dazzle her bright yellow safety vest. She thinks I'm funny! The other lady I trained with thought I was great too! Man - Love that.
So my first full day is tomorrow. Should be fun!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Well I'm all moved in! I'm currently pilfering my internet service on an unsecure network called "Kitty Korner" - Gotta Love it! I have internet being set up, but apparently our house doesn't have a single phone jack that is actually connected to anything. Handy.
So on my drive here I had a long time to THINK. These were some of the random thoughts going through my head. Some have pictures to back this up.
1. You know how cops and bus drivers all give each other the nod or the semi hand wave? So my thought as I watched my dad driving my budget truck and passing another Budget truck....should he have done the "nod"?
2. I'm ready to submit a patent for the following information. Car-makers of the world...listen up. You should be able to control the temperature of the cabin AND SEPERATELY control the temperature on your feet.
3. I'm seriously a city girl. As I was driving down the freeway through Idaho I saw this farm and thought to myself, "that is awesome! Someone invented Black and White polka-dotted tarps to fancy farms up!" Then I drove closer and realized that it was just a white tarp with tires laid on it to keep it down. So close.
4. During the trip through Jasper, ID we passed 6 windmill blades being transported by truck. I do love the irony behind the transportation of an alternative energy solution by trucks powered by said negative energy solution (aka fuel)...but seriously these things were GIGANTIC! Enclosed is the best picture I could get while attempting to drive. This this was massive! (and yes that is my truck, being driven by my dad in the picture as well!)
5. Last but certainly not least...the ever glorious 45th parallel that you get to pass while driving through Oregon. It's the exact 1/2 way point from the equator to the North pole. Cool eh?
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
...so now it was goodbye
(the more I look at this picture, the more I realize we really don't look anything alike. Funny that EVERYWHERE we go together people ask us if we're sisters. Plus - was I always this much shorter than you Melis?)
Tonight I went to dinner at Melissa & Kurtis' house. Kurtis made a delicious dinner. Chicken brats and this yummy corn, avocado, parsley, tomato mix and sweet potato fries. Seriously Delsh! We talked and laughed and mostly cooed over this beautiful girl. Miss Paige is so friendly! I absolutely love her. I mostly love watching my friend since age 15 being a mom of her. She's seriously so great at it.Then she went to sleep and we watched Robin Hood - which Kurtis is probably wondering why we started watching a movie because I asked questions - or talked through the whole thing anyway. haha. Since my parents had driven in from California and I just left a key for them under the mat so I could go hang out with my friends - I was feeling a little bit guilty. And that's when the tears started. Seriously going to miss my best friend. But, like before when we've been in different places - we'll always be close. One of my favourite things about her really. No matter what, or where it's always a good feeling to know somewhere in the world is a girl who REALLY knows me, and gets me and still loves me. (and back at ya lady!)
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Ritual de la habitual
Today was my big HURRAH with Melissa.
Ever since college - she has been our ritualistic friend. She finds meaning in everything and it's so fun to watch her put effort into traditions. Partly it probably started as just another excuse to never study (her GPA that first semester wasn't too much better than mine), but they've become something to mark key events in life over the years. Today was no different.
Out of the magic bag came the following:
First we had to take the drink - and while making a wish, pour a little pixie stick in it. (Back in the day it was Diet Coke in giant mugs we had to walk off campus to get the caffeinated stuff). She poured hers in first. Then I poured mine in while wishing *i can't tell you what i wished for - it'll ruin the magic* I know you had to be there for the following, but my drink started fizzing over with the addition of the pixie stick. I was like - what the...WOAH! And Melissa gets this look on her face and is like "THAT MEANS IT'S GOING TO COME TRUE!" haha. We laughed forever until we cried. Seriously I'm crying right now as I write this it was so funny. I love that girl! We can just get together and be so silly. Then we asked the magic 8-ball questions.
Q1: Will Jamie get promoted in a year? - A: It is decidedly so
Q2: Will Jamie fall in love with a gorgeous man in Portland A: YES
Q3: Will Jamie love her new home? A: Reply hazy, ask later. Followed by a No. haha.
There were more but those were the highlights.
Then we put on our fake tattoos - something we've always shared. We upgraded this time to the cute girly ones, as opposed to the usual 25 cent ghetto ones with giant snakes wrapped around hearts, etc.Then we went to Thai food - that is literally 3 seconds from my house that I never knew about. Delicious! and then went to see the movie The Switch. (loved it!)
We're planning to get together one last time because we weren't ready to be TOTALLY goodbye behaviour.
Thanks for the fun day girl! Since we get asked all the time if we're sisters - I'm officially adopting you as the sister I never had. Love you!
Friday, September 17, 2010
The last day!
Today was my last day of work before I move. It's so weird to think that I've been back in Utah nearly 6 years....and working at the same place. I must be growing up or something (probably or something).
It was inventory today - so luckily all the attention wasn't on it being my last day. Although the lovely ladies in my department made me treats to die for..and got me this totally lovely bracelet. So nice! I did quite (no tears) until I had to go turn some stuff into the credit manager (Debra) who I LOVE! Then I got a little teary. Then had to hug people and got a little more teary. It's weird to be excited to leave, but these people have been in my world for the past 5.5 years. Just seems odd to walk away.
So now I have some serious packing to do until Wednesday night when my parents arrive. Then Thursday is all about loading up the truck and then taking off Thursday night to Ogden to stay overnight at my Uncle Tom's (cabin). J/K it's a house, but gotta use that whenever I can. Then heading to Oregon Friday! Can't wait! I start my new job that Monday so I'm really excited to get settled into my new place.
Am hanging out with Melissa tomorrow for our final Hurrah! Of course she has something amazing (read: Ritual) planned. I'm going to miss that girl for sure! Now off to get some packing done so I can play all day!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
I'm trashy
Today was my very first Garage Sale! I wasn't as successful as others - because I think my items weren't "white trash" enough for this neighborhood - but I still made $175.00 on stuff I was just going to give to GoodWill...so not too shabby. Lots of great people watching and pretending to be interested in what people were saying just to make a sale. It really doesn't take much to entertain me!
Friday, September 10, 2010
The Big 1st Day!
Today was Trent's official first day of Kindergarten!
Jake said he did really great. I haven't yet spoken to him to get some feedback, but seriously would go back to school if these were my only 5 rules I had to live by too!
Great coloring...and writing his own name. Seriously pass this kid onto the 3rd grade. He can handle it.
I asked Jake how he did when they left - he said "totally ignored us. Head down like the world depended on his frog being drawn". That's my guy!
Congratulations Trent! I love you a million billion!
Today is your day.
You're off to Great Places!
You're off and away!
You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself
any direction you choose.
You're on your own. And you know what you know.
And YOU are the guy who'll decide where to go."
-Oh the Places You'll Go by Dr Seuss.
Monday, September 6, 2010
My visit from Sarah
My friend Sarah came to visit this weekend from Houston, TX. We had so much fun laughing and playing and shopping and eating. Carson, her son - sent her with the sweetest Statue of Liberty Hat he made in school that day. I feel pretty honored that he would want to give away such a magnificent piece of art!Seriously if that doesn't melt your heart - you have no feelings.
It was so great to catch up with her. It had been a very long time since the last time I saw her - and then only for a quick day while I was in Houston for work. Thanks for her husband Jason for letting her come visit while he kept the kids busy for those 3 days. The texts from him asking about carpet cleaner and the like, kept up quite amused.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Kayaking the Puget - Class 1 rapids
Just got back from a trip to Oregon to celebrate my cute nephew's 5th birthday! His birthday was on July 27th, but this was the first anyone could get up to celebrate. My mom was up for the event as well. I'll write a bit about the family portion of the trip later.
One of the days I was up in Portland, I ventured up to visit my friend Josie - who currently resides in a summer house of her parents' on the Puget Sound in Washington. It's GORGEOUS!! Seriously such a great view and great time was had just hanging out. The food, the margaritas, the laughs....SO FUN! Man I've missed that girl!...and Thor too (of course!)
That night - we went out on the kayaks. It was seriously the best weather ever. We saw seals and everything pretty up close (and of course I cracked out the "Loose Seal" Arrested Development joke perhaps more than once!) It couldn't have been a better trip to see my friend. Thanks Josie and Thor for your hospitality! Always good to see you guys!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Renzie Roo!

You're such a sweet little boy! Congratulations on turning 5 AND learning to ride a 2-wheeler all in the same week! Amazing stuff buddy! Here he is now - sporting my 2 lame presents I sent him until I go visit in 2 weeks and we can go shop FOR REAL! Can't wait! The birthday hat and t-shirt with a GIANT 5 on it! (how much do I love that he wore it all day today!) I was feeling very crafty and actually made both. In my note to him with his presents I mailed I said they were silly - but we'd go shopping when I got there so he could pick his present. He said to Jake "it's not silly if it's a birthday hat!". Basically saying it was okay because birthday hats are allowed to be "silly". He's so cute (and soooo logical!) Love you buddy!


Thursday, July 22, 2010
Happy Birthday Josie!
I know it's not for a couple of days - but this post is in honour one of my favourite people in the world! Thanks for being so great always! I miss our adventures more than you know. So for you, my list of songs every year since the day I was born. (No - I'm not that narcissistic - she just did the same on her blog for her b-day) I think you'll care to note your "theme song" made my list. Must be a sign we were meant to be friends! :) Happy Birthday! xoxox See you in a few weeks!
1977 - You make me feel like dancing - Leo Sawyer
1978 - Baby come back - Sawyer
1979 - Le Freak - Chic
1980 - Rock with you - Michael Jackson
1981 - (just like) starting over - John Lennon
1982 - Physical - Olivia Newton-John
1983 - Down Under - Men at Work
1984 - Owner of a Lonely Heart - Yes
1985 - Like a Virgin - Madonna
1986 - That's what friends are for - Dionne & Friends
1987 - Shake you down - Gregory Abbott
1988 - Got my mind set on you - George Harrison
1989 - Two Hearts - Phil Collins
1990 - How am I supposed to live without you - Michael Bolton
1991 - Love will never do without you - Janet Jackson
1992 - Black or White - Michael Jackson
1993 - I will always love you - Whitney Houston
1994 - Hero - Mariah Carey
1995 - On Bended Knee - Boys II Men
1996 - One sweet day - Mariah Carey & Boys II Men
1997 - Unbreak my heart - Toni Braxton
1998 - Truly Madly Deeply - Savage Garden
1999 - Have you Ever? - Brandy
2000 - What a girl wants - Christina Aguilera
2001 - Independent Women Part 1 - Destiny's Child
2002 - U Got it bad - Usher
2003 - Lose Yourself - Eminem
2004 - Hey Ya! - OutKast
2005 - Let me Love you - Mario
2006 - Grillz - Nelly featuring Paul Wall, Ali & Gipp
2007 - Irreplaceable - Beyonce
2008 - Low - Flo Rida Featuring T-Pain
2009 - Just Dance - Lady GaGa Featuring Colby O'Donis
2010 - TiK ToK - Ke$ha
Alzheimers has set in!
This week I have been the biggest scatterbrain. Let's recap:
Monday - went to the gym. Am just about there and realize I don't have a sportsbra in my bag. Seriously that won't work. Had to stop off at a store and buy one before heading into the gym.
Tuesday - had to get my windshield replaced. All finished - go to pay and realize I've left my wallet in my bag from Monday's gym trip. I had to leave my cell phone and iPod as collateral. Which really my cell phone is worth more than the windshield - so one should've been sufficient. But I happily agreed as I ran home to get my wallet.
Wednesday - the gym again. I hadn't really put stuff in my bag the night before like normal. So I was running late (of course) for work and just started throwing stuff in my bag. I forgot my shoes. I had to go back to my house on my lunch break to get them, so I could make it to my 5:30 class.
Thursday - so far...I'm doing pretty okay. KNOCK ON WOOD! But man! I make fun of myself because I usually plan things out to the Nth degree. But clearly it's how I function!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Research & Development
A few products I've tried recently that I wanted to share:
Toma's Self Tanner
Seriously this stuff makes you look REALLY tan and not oompa loompa orange. I really like it! I have people at work keeping me in a "woah - you're too orange" watch just in case. But so far - only compliments on the tan. I've had 3 people go buy it just because I look so tan and fab! It smells a little weird - and I think when it's on I look super orange, but it fades a bit in the shower the next morning.
Purex 3 in 1 Laundry Detergent
I've never been a believer in combining things. Mike Birbiglia makes a joke about hotels, ''You can always tell by how much they combine toiletries. They'll have shampoo slash conditioner slash toothpaste. And you actually have to call the desk and say, 'Can I get some more 'sham-paste?' " Classic Birbigs haha. Anyway, similar feelings where I don't believe when they did it with shampoo and conditioner it works. I mean, yes it would be fantastic to only have one bottle in the shower. However when your hair comes out knottier than when you went in - you know it's a bust. Then I stumbled across a commercial for this product from Purex. I'm a snob about smells of my detergent and I like to control the ginormous portion of fabric softener going into the machine. But I liked the idea behind it....and found a page giving out samples (and they work for High Energy/front loading machines). I tried them on towels and a blanket this weekend. Not too shabby. I probably won't get them again because it's been a day and the smell has already faded from the blanket....need more cowbell (or fab softener in this case). But I do love the idea still.
Kontos Whole Wheat Pocket-less Pita
This is by far my favourite find. I actually got them at Harmons and mmmmMMMM! They're good. And they're super tasty used as Pizza Bread. Now you can have pizza and your house - it's healthier (whole wheat...duh!) and each person can customize their own toppings. Here's my current fav:
1 - whole wheat pita
2 - gluten free pizza sauce
3 - Chicken cubed
4 - 1/4 small zucchini
5 - 1/4 yellow pepper
6 - 1/4 red pepper
7 - reduced fat mozzarella cheese (small amount)
back at 425 for about 10-12 minutes. Seriously YUM!
Jane's Addiction
In speaking about all my many "addictions" I wish that my name really was Jane. It would be amazing to get to pull that joke out all the time.
Currently one of my many addictions is the Macho Taco from Del Taco. Seriously I could eat it everyday....don't think it hasn't crossed my mind. Also the Caramel Frappe from McDonalds. Sadly - starting tomorrow I'm giving them both up for good. Do you ever sit and think....if I were on death row, what would I want as my last meal. I literally think I would choose a belly full of random junky fast food. Or maybe my mom's homemade potato salad. YUM.
I've challenged my dad to a 5k race over Thanksgiving. Which officially means I'll be in So Cal for that weekend (Josie...take note - ps - we're thinking of the Balboa Park 5k if you and Thor want to join in the fun). I figure if I have a goal to work toward that will help. Starting tomorrow morning I'll be following the training guide plus attending my classes at my gym 4 times a week. Overall good plan. Now off to the grocery store!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
The Luckiest
Lately I'm obsessed with Ben Folds. Can't get enough. I think that if I ever decide to get married (don't hold your breath people) this would be the song I would have at my wedding.
Plus it reminds me of all the reasons I am lucky.
1. Family - even though I don't seem them a ton. I see them enough and couldn't be more lucky with my amazing brothers and parents. And don't forget the cutest nephew in the whole world (this picture just proves my point. Apparently he wore these goggles swimming for about 20 seconds and then walked around in them for about 20 minutes. And approved the picture - so, as Jake states "he clearly thinks they're bad ass")
2. Friends - this year I've really struggled with my friendships. I know as we get older we grow apart, etc but it seems I've put stock in very selfish people to be my friends. That being said - I am thankful for my friends who love me without rules or expectations. Who I can get together with and just laugh and laugh and laugh. Who I look forward to seeing and doing things with. That getting together isn't a chore. I am lucky to have these people in my life and you know who you are.
3. I'm lucky that I'm so weird. Seriously this used to be a curse. A lot of people never truly "get" me. Most of that is my fault because I don't really open up to that many people. But for those rare few that get to view me in all my weirdness glory....prepare to be amazed. HAHA. JK, but really I do love that I'm not a cookie cutter type person. I think life would be boring for me like that. I'm lucky that I challenge authority and think for myself and don't follow rules in life. Dance to the beat of my own drum (which is usually of beat anyway - did you know I have the worst rhythm?) One of my best best best girlfriends from middle school caught up with me on Facebook and I told her what I'm up to and her reaction was "I'm so glad to hear that you're the same free spirit I knew when we were 14". Seriously made my day.
4. I'm lucky because I'm free. Living in America is great. Lucky to have men and women who fight for our freedom. And while I could never be one of those people - I sincerely appreciate the sacrifice made. As big a fan I am of Pride & Prejudice, Emma and the likes of Jane Austin type books/movies. The real thought in my head is - I would probably be shunned from society or something because of my very vocal opinions. I am lucky to live in day and age where I can be opinionated and a woman. It might not be popular with the gentleman callers - but I still CAN is the point. haha.
All in all - I'm quite lucky. And if you're reading this blog - it means I know you somehow and am lucky to know you too!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Did you here that giant sigh all the way from (insert town that you are reading this blog from)!?!
That was me letting out a HUGE SIGH OF RELIEF that my HUGE work project is coming to an end. Our cut-over weekend was a success and I think we're on a very smooth road toward working on a new system. All in all - a pretty uneventful first day on the new system. Only one person started tearing up on me - which I quickly squashed down and ...problem solved.
I had the lofty goal to pack my work out clothes to work and head to a class tonight after work - but have decided one day off before I get back to the routine of going to the gym is not going to kill anyone. Plus this morning - for the first time in 3 weeks I actually slept until my alarm and even then had a hard time prying my eyeballs open. This girl needs more sleep before I jump and kick around at the gym!
So for those of you that have felt like I'm the invisible friend lately - I should be back in full swing starting...well tomorrow :)
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Sharp Tooth!
I was at Target a few days ago - and I realized I was nearing the end of my toothpaste. I am also nearing the end of my shampoo AND conditioner but I can't remember everything in one trip apparently. I digress. While in the toothpaste aisle I decide that my teeth need a little spruce up as well and I should buy some white strips. Since I haven't determined if I'm a believer in the white strip yet - I just went for the 7 days of generic Target brand which were like 1/2 the price of the normal brand. I'll try them out. If they work like I want them too - perhaps I'll upgrade next time.
So I get them home and yesterday morning - after a really bad night sleep and needing to get up super early because I had a GIANT day ahead of me...I stumble into my bathroom and have enough clarity to remember I wanted to whiten my teeth while in the shower. So I take out these gems.
Here is my problem with said "strips".
a) they don't actually look like strips to me. It's more like a blue piece of cardboard. Let's call an apple and apple.
b) they stick to your teeth like to other. I'm fairly certain if they do whiten your teeth it's only because they're peeling off any layer you may have. After this - my teeth will probably be white, but will rot out of my head due to lack of enamel.
c) Don't shape the back side of the strip to look like TEETH! It makes the putter-on of aforementioned so-called strips think that part should go in the FRONT. And since there are cleverly no instructions in the box....you can see where this is going.
Only after I realized I didn't have teeth like THIS GUY..(Sloth, not "Chunk". "Chunk" appears to have very lovely teeth)
did I realize the strips were on backward.
Seriously if I would've been on a show like Big Brother where the world could watch my life - this might've been the demise to any credibility I once had in life. I was seriously trying to match up the notches with my teeth. Thinking - so seriously I'm going to have like 3 white teeth in the front? That's gonna be ugly! Yes at 5am we're all a little S-L-O-W. Some more than others.
Monday, June 14, 2010
This weekend was full of my Josie & Thor filled time. They are back from their extravaganza in Europe for the past 5 weeks and MAN I MISSED THEM! It was a whirl-wind weekend of time just hanging out with them as they are already gone again. This time for good! BOO HOO!! I will miss my favourite friend that would always indulge my random class addiction and be my workout partner in crime.
We watched World Cup soccer on Saturday (US vs London). I really didn't pay much attention to the game. Saw our ONLY goal on the replay because I was too busy checking out what there was to eat. Wow'ed Josie with my soccer player name drop - who also just happened to be the commentator in the "office". I really know nothing about soccer. I just remember a couple of random names back when they first allowed soccer as a US Olympic sport.
I've pinpointed that I dislike the game of soccer for the following reasons:
a) I'm better with my hands (that's what she said) than running while trying to kick a ball.
b) growing up in central california I always had to play goalie (see "a" regarding horrible at running and kicking said ball) so they stuck me in the post that never really had to move. God Bless my mother who still resolves that "you were a great little goalie". Sure lady - no body is buying it!
c) I had to get a definition of off-sides from Thor on Saturday.
Sometimes I wish I was good. Nothing like running my fat arse around trying to thin it out. Maybe I should join a team? I'm pretty sure I would be laughed off the little kids league - so best to opt out of it. I do think I want to join a summer softball league. Although - what if I ended up on the team that was insanely competitive and wanted to have like 3 practices a week? Where did my competitive nature go to? Although a trophy would look amazing in my casa.
Monday, June 7, 2010
There is this guy that I see on my way to work a lot. He's walking. I'm driving. In different directions. I've seen him for probably more than a year. I think he's SOOOO cute. But how does one roll up to a guy walking in the opposite direction of you driving and say "hello sir - I think you're lovely"? Well...you don't. Especially if your name is Jamie Harker! Stupid shy, gets tongue tied around cute boys Jamie.
I think he looks like Elvis Costello. Only cuter of course. But dark hair. Glasses. Loveliness in one package. He may be short - as I've never actually stood next to him...tough to tell. But he's always listening to his iPod while he walks. Saturday as I was leaving work - strolling by my work on the opposite side of the street was Elvis. He was seriously so cute. And I was totally smiley just taking him all in.
...and then I just drove away. Haha. I'm such a weirdo.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Loading up
My iPod has been in a sad state of the same old songs. I listen to it at work a lot (earphones, to drown out the loud-mouthed breathers around me) and have been noticing that a) I listen to the same songs over and over and b) man I'm sick of all the songs on my iPod. So tonight I bought myself an iTunes gift card (because I seriously hate getting a million emails stating my receipt purchases) and loaded up. SO FUN!
Here are some of my new favs:
The Swell Season
Lucy Schwartz
Taylor Swift (I know...but this song just makes me happy)
Maria Mena
Rosie Thomas
And of course A TON more new ones. Ahhhh I already feel better about going to work tomorrow with the iPod loaded up with new stuff.
Now I just need find some of this stuff on piano sheet music/guitar music and start my band (haha) or just play for my own self. Probably better!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
The short purple bus
My friend Samantha who is touring around Europe right now (jealous) sent me this picture today!This is a picture of the train that she was on. Seriously - purple, velour-ish looking seats. Super pimp! Mostly she sent it to me because she knows my aversion to the colour purple. I seriously hate it. (although yes, that was me wearing a very dark purple sweater yesterday. It snowed - I was thrown off!) Anywho - I think the purple ick comes from Over-dosing on purple as a child. I have this outfit that I would wear. Purple cordoroy OVERALL knickers. With white tights underneath and purple legwarmers to cover up the white tights (so why did I wear the white tights...you'd have to ask my mom), a purple shirt (probably) under said overalls, and a purple ribbon in my one sided ponytail. Man. Dressed like that you would be surprised to know I grew up in California! haha. Seriously legwarmers and cordoroy knickers w/ tights. That's like Arctic weather. So now - I simply don't like it. And I think I know too many W.T. people who LOVE the colour purple. tee hee.
Sorry if it's your favourite color. Thanks for the laugh Samantha!
Another laugh today -
My brother Jake sent me the following text message this afternoon:
"I just told Trent I can do whatever I want. He said no, you can't take off your pants and ride a motorcycle." Seriously I love that kid - that the first thing he things of is dropping trou and going for a bike ride as the topping off the list of forbidden things.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
The massacre of the "pigs"
Yesterday Melissa and I went to lunch and to get our pigs prettied up for Spring weather. Super fun. And great junk food! The pedi experience, on the other hand, was weird.
The girl doing my toes was all about the sales pitch. Trying to up-sell me on the extra services....which of course I accepted. I'm an easy target. She was constantly asking me if the chair felt good, the water was warm enough, etc. But it wasn't in that tone that was like "I'm actually concerned about you as a patron" but more along the lines of, "Your tip should be amazing because look at all these things that are being performed for you behind the scenes." Melissa's girl on the other hand...not so nice. She barely spoke to her and when Melissa would listen to my girl up-selling me and would want them as well, Melissa's girl would seriously give her this face (WTF...why the face?) like she was super annoyed and she couldn't believe that Melissa would be so bold as to make her do more work. It was HILARIOUS (for me).
And while Melissa's girl did a fine job, my girl was all about digging at my toes with sharp objects. On more than 3 occasions I actually said "OW" audibly. And as of today - my big toes on both feet hurt like the dickens. I think she actually CREATED an in-grown toenail. It's seriously killing me, as displayed by picture below where you can see it's red and swollen where the digging occurred. As for the Merry Very Cherry color that was chosen. Couldn't be more lovely.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
The river was running to high and fast so we couldn't hike the Narrows. Sad. I really wanted to do Angels Landing (where someone died the weekend we were there) but it's a 5hour hike and we got a bit of a late start.
Blake had a friend he knows come over and so Matt and I just hiked around together. It was actually really fun. Sometimes Matt and I are hit and miss in the getting along category. But when he's mellow and whatever - we get along fine. How can you not be mellow in some of the most beautiful scenery in the world?

Thursday, May 20, 2010
L - A - Z - WHY?
I'm am the epitome of lazy these days. Well kind of. Work is insane. After an 11 hour day with no lunch break I consider myself well-deserving of doing nothing when I get home. Yesterday I went to the drawer for a fork to eat my dinner I had prepared and....no forks. No spoons for that matter either. I apparently have been so lazy I have forgotten to run the dishwasher. All the dishes are in there - waiting to be cleaned - I just never pushed "go". Grilled out chicken became finger food last night. I should hire a maid. I kind of want to encourage this slothfulness, at least a little while longer. TEE HEE!
My life doesn't do well with limbo. I currently feel like I am in limbo. Should I move? Should I just try and stick it out - finish school (maybe never) and then move? Do I really miss being around my brothers or is it really just my nephew I would rather be around? I'm not sure of answers to those questions. I don't actually care to know the answers either - so, maybe I like limbo more than I think!
On a positive note - I'm totally rocking this project at work right now. So that's great! Also - I think I'm ready to cut my hair again. I'll keep you posted on that one. I do love it long, but perhaps short will kick my limbo funk right out of the water. We'll see. It grows so fast anyway, even if I hate it - it'd be long again in no time. Plus I want to have long hair when I turn 35 because my mom thinks that at a "certain age" you can't have long hair anymore. Is it wrong that at 33 I still do things just to spite my mom? (aka - the blonde hair phase of jan 2010).
Monday, May 17, 2010
Worst Commercial EVER!!!
So for those of you that know me well - you know I don't have cable. Seriously haven't in....well I can't even remember the last time I had it. Anyway - I watch a lot of hulu.com because I do have the internet. This commercial came on tonight just now and I literally think that the person that signed off on this one should get fired. Straight away! Seriously - hands down the worst thing I've ever seen. There's like a flock of turkeys and the singing is horrible? I could've done a better job producing a cat food commercial. WOW.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Drive By Truckers
The other night I went to a concert for a band called the Drive By Truckers. I went with my friend Laurel, her husband Aaron, and her friend Kelly who I've met before. The concert was good. Mostly it was fun to just listen to SUPER loud music and watch people dance. Man do I wish I was more like that most days - where I could just let the music move me and not care what people think. But alas...I never will be that person - So I just enjoy the music and smile at other people enjoying the music.
Here's a little sampling of what we saw
Sunday, May 9, 2010
First blog in 3.5 months!
Wow I just looked at my last post and realized I haven't kept up on this blog at all. Not that I needed to look at my blog to realize that tee hee. I haven't even logged into blogger since then I think. I'm a bit behind on everyone's life.
Here's what you missed while I was away:
1. This weekend my FAV taking class friend Samantha moved. *POUT* But she is living in the UK for the next few weeks and then traveling for the summer and then settling in San Diego - so it's not like I'll never see her again - but I will miss her dearly!
3. I've been traveling non-stop for the first quarter of the year. I swear I've been on a ga-zillion trips.
So. Utah
Clearly a theme there as well! haha.
And now you're officially caught up! So it's not like you really missed much. Work has been crazy - and not expected to let up until at least Mid July. I'm currently on the job hunt because I'm pretty much expecting to not have a job after I kill myself off finishing up this conversion. They've decided to make a bunch of changes that our division has no control over. I guess only time will tell. I've already applied for a job in Olympia, WA (kind of hoping for that one) and will probably apply for one in Chicago. I guess we shall see. Those are the ones internally I would apply for I think. There are a couple in Los Angeles - and you all know I love California, but probably don't want to live in LA. Nor commute from where I would want to live :) I hate driving. My 10 minute commute to work daily makes me want to pull my hair out.
Other than that - things are pretty normal here. Hope you are all doing well!
Sorry I've been MIA. No promises on being better though :)
Saturday, January 23, 2010
California - Take 2
I am in California for the 2nd weekend in a row. Last weekend it was to hang out with the parentals for my 33rd birthday! This weekend it's for CHA (Craft & Hobby Association). It's a lovely day here and when I got in my room though, the thermostat was set at like 76. BLEH - too hot! So I went to the thermostat in order to bring down the temperature and I actually sang the following song.
ps if you aren't watching the show Modern Family on ABC - you're seriously missing out! It's HILARIOUS!